Amyloids, Glyphosate, Sulfur, Oh My!
When one of my clients came to me, he was fighting end-stage cancer and dealing with a condition called amyloidosis.
I hadn’t heard of amyloids or amyloidosis until I was facing a client actually dying from their impact. So I turned to Sarah Devido, the brilliant researcher on my staff who previously worked for the National Institute of Health.
Amyloidosis is a serious medical condition. It is caused by a buildup of amyloid proteins in organs like the heart, kidneys and liver. Unfortunately, amyloids have been linked to approximately 50 conditions like cancer, diabetes, kidney dysfunction, autoimmune disease and Alzheimer’s.
So Sarah helped me figure out why this was happening. I hypothesized that proteins may be contributing to this condition. And that is exactly what we found.
We learned that the way cows and chicken are raised can contribute to amyloid buildup in their tissues. Consequently, when we eat these meat products, we are also consuming their amyloids. Our research shows us that amyloids and other misfolded proteins can feed pathogens. We call these “bullies in the sandbox.”
But reducing amyloids in our diet takes away one of the sources of food for these microorganisms. This reduces the likelihood of protein malabsorption in the body.
And our Wildatarian™ lifestyle addresses this by swapping domesticated animal products like beef and chicken for wild game. Wild game is also richer in good polyunsaturated fats and minerals like iron and zinc than their domesticated counterparts.
Going Wildatarian allows us to stop feeding the amyloid beast that then feeds the pathogenetic beast of viruses, bacteria and fungi.
So we used our bio-individual nutrition counseling services to tailor a protocol to our client and his unique needs. This helped him to continue his multi-pronged approach to address his condition. We also worked collaboratively with his team of doctors. Today he is cancer-free, riding his bike to work and living a Wildatarian lifestyle. The rest of his life lies ahead of him.
Another problematic protein, albeit not from an animal source, is gluten. The big issue with gluten is that it’s a victim and vector of glyphosate. This is a chemical compound and weed killer and a key ingredient in Roundup.
The U.S. agricultural industry sprays it on almost 90 percent of our wheat crops. Furthermore, crops like corn and soy are genetically modified to withstand larger and larger amounts of Roundup. Therefore, glyphosate is everywhere. Even organic food sometimes contains residue because it is in our soil and water.
The problem with glyphosate is that it confuses the body by disrupting the metabolism of glycine, a key amino acid. It also decreases our digestive capacity for gluten. The Wildatarian lifestyle addresses this by swapping grains that include gluten for gluten-free options, including the following:
- Quinoa
- Brown rice
- Oats
- Buckwheat
Glyphosate is a major mechanism for sulfur processing impairment. Sulfur is typically broken down into sulfate, which the body uses in many key processes, including the following:
- Detoxification
- Brain and endocrine function
- Building connective tissue (ligaments and tendons)
- Maintaining a good gut biome
When the body cannot properly break down sulfur, imbalances can occur, including the following:
- Digestive health conditions like ulcerative colitis, gastritis and Crohn’s disease
- Mental health conditions
- Arthritis
The Wildatarian lifestyle addresses this by offering a diet specifically for those who suffer sulfur sensitivity.
3 tips for a healthy gut
In addition to avoiding amyloids, glyphosate and sulfur, here are a few more things you can do to promote a healthy gut:
1. Stop feeding the sugar monster.
Refined flour products hurt us. We know that strep, staph and candida – bacteria and fungus that can hurt us – feed on sugar. Cancer feeds on sugar, as well. Also, glyphosate found in commercially grown and refined flour leaks our gut and can even impair our cognitive abilities!
Fact: We eat way too many gluten-filled, sugar rich foods! The average American consumes 170 pounds of sugar each year, compared to 11 pounds a century ago. Children who were born after the year 2000 have a one in three chance of becoming diabetic. This madness has to stop!
2. Build the gut biome with artichoke, asparagus and chickpeas.
These are prebiotics, aka digestive aids that feed our good gut bacteria and help to move sulfur through. Also, herbs called mastic gum and slippery elm can help to seal the gut.
3. Seek convenience and bio-individualized nutrition in your kitchen.
We live in a culture of convenience. Unfortunately, many convenience foods can contain harmful ingredients, which contribute to a number of autoimmune, chronic and even acute diseases.
The truth is that convenience and bio-individualized nutrition are within reach… right in your kitchen. Your natural grocers can help you assemble quick and easy meals that make you feel your best.
Remember: It’s not about deprivation; it is about abundance and substitution.
Learn more about The Wildatarian Diet: Living as Nature Intended
To learn more about this diet and lifestyle and read the book, visit tericochrane.com/the-wildatarian-diet-book.
To make an appointment, click here to book a consult.
To The Tru Of You,
Teri Cochrane
This article discusses the impact of amyloids, glyphosate, and sulfur on health and offers solutions through the Wildatarian lifestyle. It explains how amyloid buildup in animal products and glyphosate in our crops, like gluten. Glyphosate can drive sulfur processing impairment, and can contribute to various health conditions. The article also provides tips for promoting a healthy gut, such as reducing sugar intake, incorporating prebiotics, and choosing bio-individualized nutrition.