Balancing Your Blood Sugar
Achieving balanced blood sugar is a quintessential part of our day - in fact, it punctuates it.
When we wake up, sooner or later the body tells us, “I need some fuel, here!” and we eat, increasing our blood sugar. As our blood sugar rises, cells in the pancreas release the hormone insulin, which allows the body to absorb glucose in the bloodstream and lower blood sugar levels to normal.
We repeat this process every time we eat during the day - and even as we sleep, the body is always working to regulate the intake of glucose.
However, if we are dysglycemic, meaning our body tends either towards hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia and cannot properly manage blood sugar levels, things can go a bit haywire and we can experience:
- Fatigue
- Headaches
- Shakiness or lightheadedness
- Mood Swings
- Loss of Muscle Tone
- Hormonal Imbalances & more...
Here are my easy tips for balancing blood sugar:
-When selecting your meals for the day, balance sugars and carbs with fats and proteins, and choose complex carbs over simple carbohydrates. This means if you’re eating a grain-based food like rice, pasta, or bread, be sure to match this quick-hit of sugar with a protein or fat like eggs, beans, nuts, dairy or a wildatarian meat. Choose brown rice and whole-grain breads, crackers and pastas over processed, white options.
-Support better blood sugar balance with smart supplementation. Research indicates that both zinc and chromium can improve glucose metabolism by helping move glucose into cells, increasing insulin sensitivity at the cellular level. Choline Inositol has also been shown to help increase insulin sensitivity, making it easier for the body to manage blood sugar levels when food is ingested.
-Spice with cinnamon. Cinnamon has been demonstrated to have blood-sugar lowering properties and may be beneficial for those living with hyperglycemia. Plus, it gives a natural illusion of sweetness without adding any sugar to a dish!
As always, the best plans for health are bio-individual. Book your consult today & discover a unique approach to balancing your body.
To The Tru Of You,