Selenium & Kelp For Thyroid Health
Many of us have a sub-clinical hypothyroidism - and we don't even know it.
We go to the doctor complaining of fatigue, brittle nails and hair or frequently feeling cold or tired. Standard blood work is ordered and thyroid tests may be returned with seemingly normal results.
However, your symptoms may indicate that everything is not normal. At Beyond Nutrition, we encourage our clients to listen to their bodies. If you're feeling sluggish, experiencing frequent chills, hair loss or a poor metabolism, your thyroid is the first place we look.
A good way to ascertain whether if you are living with sub-clinical hypothyroidism is to take your basal temperature upon rising. Women, do not do this during ovulation, as your body temperature tends to dip just before the body releases an egg.
If your basal temperature is below 97.8 degrees Fahrenheit, this may indicate a sub-clinical thyroid imbalance.
Now, if you are sub-clinical, chances are your GP will be unlikely to prescribe thyroid medication. In this case, gentle herbal remedies may work wonders to help rebalance your thyroid function. Nature's medicine cabinet provides two excellent options for thyroid support: selenium and kelp - both derived from the sea.
Seaweed is an excellent source of iodine, while fish and shellfish provide generous levels of selenium. When we are iodine deficient - which, due to our over-taxed & under-nourished food supply, we often are - our thyroid function can suffer.
An article reviewed by Dr. Danielle Weiss at VeryWellHealth.com notes that:
"When you consume iodine, it is quickly absorbed and entered into your bloodstream. Your thyroid, which has tiny cells that capture the circulating iodine, takes in and oxidizes it so it can begin to be used to create triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4)—thyroid hormones that make their way throughout the body to regulate metabolism and ensure healthy functioning of the heart, brain, and other organs."
Without adequate levels of iodine, the body may struggle to make the essential conversion of T3 --> T4.
Similarly, selenium helps convert to the active form of thyroid hormone. A Pub Med article notes that "in the thyroid, selenium is required for the antioxidant function and for the metabolism of thyroid hormones," and "maintaining a physiological concentration of selenium is a prerequisite to prevent thyroid disease and preserve overall health. Supplementation with the organic form is more effective, and patients with autoimmune thyroiditis seem to have benefits in immunological mechanisms."
To increase your intake of this mineral, eating more fish and shellfish may be helpful, though, ultimately, supplemental forms of selenium may prove to be the most effective.
To The Tru Of You,