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The Link Between Histamine Response and The Pandemic - Teri Cochrane

The Link Between Histamine Response and The Pandemic

As we are approaching the fall season allergies are always top of mind. But what comes along with allergies? Histamine! 

Histamine is becoming a problem and it isn't just about itching, sneezing or skin irritations.  As we enter into this new season it’s important to think about the downstream impacts histamine can have–especially during this pandemic time period. 

The thing is, histamine can show up in a number of ways. Anything from gut inflammation, brain inflammation, food intolerances, mental health, anxiety,  hives or even sneezing on the inside (as I like to call it,) which is an inflammatory response with multiple vectors of expression. Histamine intolerance can also cause symptoms such as diarrhea, headaches, asthma, rhinitis, hypotension and arrhythmia. It is an inflammatory substance produced by cells during an infection and encourages an immune response to help fight off the infection. 

Recent studies have shown that covid-19 is causing an increase in histamine response with some medical doctors also suggesting trying low histamine diets to see if it will improve symptoms. Scientists have also linked the role of mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS) to covid-19, suggesting that long-covid symptoms could be triggered by MCAS. This is because the mast cells release histamine in response to a viral infection. 

In our practice we have found the supplement Diamine Oxidase (DAO) to be helpful in combating histamine intolerance during the pandemic. It is an enzyme naturally found in the body that helps to break down excess histamine. When there is too little of this enzyme produced, histamine levels within our system increases. DAO is especially helpful when it comes to histamine in the gut. This is because there is a chance of high histamine influx into the digestive system from food produced by gut bacteria. 

There are things you can do if you or someone you know has a high histamine sensitivity. Because histamine is present in a wide range of foods in highly variable concentrations, managing what you are consuming is an effective way to dodge the impacts it can have on your body. We know that fermented  foods like wine and moldy cheeses are factors that contribute to an inability to break down histamine. For someone with this kind of sensitivity, even eating a lot of cruciferous vegetables can be a cause of concern. Sticking to a low histamine diet and avoiding foods like avocados, figs, dried fruits and cured meats is key. Also stay away from the ever popular probiotics as they also increase the histamine load. 

Additionally, it’s important to manage stress and anxiety by relaxing and finding ways to calm your spirit. Our Stress Mover supplement contains manganese in it which helps modulate histamine response. It is a great option because this special formulation delivers daily stress support while helping to balance histamine levels. Stress Mover can be used on children as young as two years old at specific smaller than stated dosages.  

Histamine is becoming a more prevalent problem with multi-layered components during this pandemic time period. It can be a key factor to many reactions and not all of them are so obvious.  

To The Tru of You,


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